The Wall Street Journal recently featured the Barnard Center for Toddler Development and its director, Professor Tovah P. Klein. The article highlights the unique role that the Toddler Center plays in the landscape of raising a child in New York City, and the major following that Prof. Klein has developed among parents here. An excerpt:
"[S]ome parents, such as Jonathan Allen, call themselves 'Tovah groupies.'
‘We live in New York City so we're surrounded by super-competitive people who are working backwards from getting their children into Ivy League universities, so taken to extremes you have to start with the right music school and right playgroups and it's crazy,’ he said. ‘Her advice is keep them safe but let them be kids….It's very liberating.’
The center, which is affiliated with Barnard's psychology department, was founded to give students a place to scrutinize toddlers' development and offer researchers a living laboratory for studies on sleep, play and emotions. Parents with children there meet for workshops and support.”
Read the full article.
Prof. Klein was also a featured guest on WNYC’s The Leonard Lopate Show, where she discussed the toddler brain and what parents can do to help their children grow into well-adjusted individuals. Listen to the interview.
Prof. Klein joined Barnard’s faculty in 1995. Her research focuses on development and clinical psychology, children’s social and emotional development, and issues related to work and family. How Toddlers Thrive, Prof. Klein’s first book, was released in February.